Tuesday, November 09, 2004

formatting in the data grid property builder

My date displayed right in the Access query results but the data grid displayed a default date/time format. So, here's a page that lists the formatting syntax for all kinds of things; price, 2 decimals, 2 decimal percentage, dates etc. All in a list easy to follow.


Monday, November 08, 2004

Passing parameters (or the latest nightmare)

So, last class we discussed passing parameters using the datagrid and property builder in asp.net. I can't say I get it really. But, I can follow my notes. And, confidence is defcon 3 that I can learn the "do the work for you" portion of the software. (defcon 1 being my brain simply vaporizing with no hope of ever reversing the adverse affects of trying unsuccessfully to get this stuff).

I'm still a little fuzzy on the why's, what for's and what this accomplishes pieces but what goes right over my head is coding. So far over my head that I had one of those disconnected dream sequenses that you only see in the movies over the weekend. You know, jumping from scene to scene with no connection from one to the next. I was seeing the code from class being written in the air, reading it as it distorted on paper, heard bits and pieces of the lecture, lol even saw my instructor out biking as I was being dizzied with incomprehensible babbles of explanation. It was bizzare. So, I did nothing the next day, no reading, no internet, no homework. I spent the evening watching the Browns be the disappointment we've come to expect them to be.

Tonight, I opened my mail and found my reminder to look for information on passing more than one parameter in ASP.net. I found this article and, I'm sure if I concentrate it will be helpful. It seemd short and to the point and actually not as complex as my memory wants to convince me it is.


Monday, November 01, 2004

online store site

I was searching for rules on using credit card logos and the logos to put on a website. I'm still searching for the useage rules but I cam accross what looks like a great site. Its call Miva and its a site that hosts merchant accounts. But, it seems to have all kinds of useful/helpful information. Tutorials, step by steps, graphics for every level from I don't know anything to very sofisticated. The logos I was looking for are all located on one page. That page even includes dummy credit card numbers for testing as you develop your merchant site. The company sells various merchant modules for adding features like coupon redemption, wish lists, paypal etc to your site. It looks to be a one stop for everthing you need to create an online store from scratch.


here's a link to a list of modules they provide and the pricing
