Wednesday, September 08, 2004

a bracket?

So, after all that, it was a misplaced bracket! Not a missed bracket mind you - it was misplaced. So, when I looked for the umpteenth time at my naming conventions, my quotes, my use of capitalization, my open/close parenthesis, my open/close brackets everything was accounted for. sure was a lot of wasted time. And, if not for a classmate I'd probably still be looking for it.

I also discovered that I validated the select box totally wrong. I just used the same syntax as a text box and used the value of the first selection which read "Make a selection" but whose value was "none". So my if statement checked to see if the value was none. Not the way its supposed tob e done but try as he might my instructor couldn't find a browser it wouldn't work on. So I was allowed to leae it that way. (I think so he could try harder to find a browser that would break it). We didn't try it on old old browsers.

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