Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Is recovery possible

So, I went to download.com and searched on"Recover corrupt file". I got a short list. But, one is all I need. My criteria was 1) able to recover data with a trashed FAT table 2) Free. A product called PCI Inspector File Recovery fit the bill. Unfortunately, my pea brain may not be able to use it effectively. But, with tools in hand (software and printed help files), I may be able to find someone who can actually use it.

Here's the link. It is published by a company named Convar (convar.com). They look to be a European company but their URL dosn't indicate that. Most of the site is in what I'm guessing is German so I couldn't find the product, but if I had, I probably wouldn't have been able to decipher any information about it anyway. Download.com reports 451,945 downloads and an 82% positive rating on 242 votes.

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